Nolachucky Baptist Association
Nolachucky Baptist Association consists of 60 churches and missions that are located in Hamblen, Greene, Jefferson, Hawkins, and Cocke Counties in Northeast Tennessee. We currently have Hispanic congregations meeting at 1021 S. Cumberland Street and 1971 Buffalo Trail in Morristown and in White Pine and Jefferson City. Churches that offer a more contemporary style of worship are: Arrowhead Church, 4101 Maple Valley Road, Morristown; East Point Church, 630 Davy Crockett Parkway, Morristown (meeting at the BCM building on the Walters State College campus); and True Life, 860 E Hwy. 11E, Jefferson City near Jefferson Memorial Gardens. We also have a Micronesian church that meets at Barton Springs Church on E. Andrew Johnson Hwy in Morristown.