Morristown, Tennessee

Hurricane Helene Disaster Relief

Nolachucky Baptist Association is currently accepting donations and donated items for Hurricane Helene disaster relief. Donated items can be dropped off at God’s Warehouse located at 3441 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy., Morristown, TN. For more information about Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief and to see a list for suggested donation items please visit our Disaster Relief page.

Monetary donations can be given by clicking the button below and selecting ‘Disaster Relief’ in the Fund drop-down box on the giving page.

For more information about God’s Warehouse please visit our God’s Warehouse page.

The reconstruction phase of Disaster Relief efforts has begun. A new warehouse in Elizabethton, TN has been opened. This warehouse location will bring relief and reconstruction supplies closer to the disaster zone and save many hours in travel for DR workers and those affected by the storm. Please visit our Disaster Relief page for more details.

***2025 Disaster Relief Training***

Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief training for 2025 will be held on January 18th at Alpha Baptist Church, Morristown and on February 15th at FBC Dandridge. Please see our Disaster Relief page for more information and to register.

Nolachucky Baptist Association

Nolachucky Baptist Association consists of 60 churches and missions that are located in Hamblen, Greene, Jefferson, Hawkins, and Cocke Counties in Northeast Tennessee.  We currently have Hispanic congregations meeting at 1021 S. Cumberland Street and 1971 Buffalo Trail in Morristown and in White Pine and Jefferson City. Churches that offer a more contemporary style of worship are: Arrowhead Church, 4101 Maple Valley Road, Morristown; East Point Church, 630 Davy Crockett Parkway, Morristown (meeting at the BCM building on the Walters State College campus);  and True Life, 860 E Hwy. 11E, Jefferson City near Jefferson Memorial Gardens.  We also have a Micronesian church that meets at Barton Springs Church on E. Andrew Johnson Hwy in Morristown.

With Growth Comes Evangelism Opportunities

The population of eastern Tennessee and the Lakeway area is growing quickly. With that growth comes new opportunities for evangelism. Pastor Gene Nelson shares his thoughts in this video.

The purpose of Nolachucky Baptist Association is to....

Promote Christian fellowship and cooperation among the affiliated churches.

Uphold the doctrines and principles of our Baptist faith and encourage the churches to be loyal to the practice of these doctrines and training of all Christians for service.

Promote missions, benevolence, stewardship, Christian education and winning the lost to Christ to the ends of the earth.

Cooperate with the Tennessee Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention in a world mission program.

Nolachucky Baptist Association Churches & Ministries

Give Online

Give to Nolachucky Association budget as well designate to these Nolachucky ministries: Walters State Baptist Collegiate Ministry, Disaster Relief, God's Warehouse, Pregnancy Crisis Center, and PCC Baby Bottle Drive.

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Nolachucky Baptist Association Calendar

Click below to view the Nolachucky Baptist Association calendar. You can find events dates for the Bi-vocational Ministers & Wives Retreat, DR Training, Motown Madness, State & Regional Bible Drills, Holidays, Southern Baptist Convention, and more.

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Contact Us

Please visit our Contact Us page to see our office location, working hours, contact information, and to submit inquiries through our contact form.

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